The Union of Professional Engineers in Finland
– Because the world isn’t perfect
Working life is constantly changing. The Union of Professional Engineers in Finland keeps up to date with matters and is having an impact, and is there to help you. As a member, you have access to a wide range of services for a good working life.
Benefits for leisure time
Members of the union receive CityShoppari without an annual fee. The app has more than 1,000 value-for-money benefits for you to eat and shop at affordable prices across Finland. The Member+ service brings also together the diverse membership benefits, which are related to travel, online stores and activities. Both of the services includes benefits for activity parks, well-being and exercise, among other things.
Insinööri magazine
Kasvuyritykset haluavat kasvaa jäteiksi, mutta jätit haluaisivat muuttua kulttuuriltaan kasvuyrityksiksi.
Koll keksi puhelun uudelleen
Koll keksi puhelun uudelleen
Soittaja voi unohtaa numerot, ja vastaaja näkee suoraan henkilön, joka soittaa.
Tasavallan presidentti Alexander Stubb toivotti sijoittajat tervetulleeksi loskaiseen maahan Slush-tapahtumassa Helsingissä tänä aamuna.