Become a member

Welcome to the Union of Professional Engineers in Finland!


Union of Professional Engineers in Finland’s membership creates a safety net for your career and fosters professional development. You can get assistance for employment related matters, career planning and setting a desired salary. Join a great group of 75,000 Professional Engineers by completing the electronic membership form on this website.


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Student member

You get the benefits and services of the Union at a student price of EUR 30 for 5 years and you can be part of a community that supports you at all stages of your life. Learn more about student membership.


Join as a student member

Membership fees

The amount of the membership fee depends on your member organisation and your potential unemployment fund membership. It is also possible to receive a discount on membership fees in different life situations. Your membership fee can also be paid in several ways. Keep your membership fees up to date. If necessary, you can find out more about membership fees, and your membership status from the customer service.

Join and test out the membership!

When you become a member of the Union of Professional Engineers in Finland, you have access to a unique Satisfaction Guarantee. You are able to explore the membership benefits and services of the Union. If you do not want to continue your membership before the three-month period expires, we will give you a refund of the membership fees that you have paid.

Discover all your monetary benefits

The membership fees of the Finnish Association of Engineers and the Unemployment Fund total approximately EUR 35 per month. After the tax deduction, the price remains at around 20 euros / month. Discover all your monetary benefits. Membership is worth it.

Membership benefits

The Union of Professional Engineers offers a wide range of different membership benefits for its members. Benefits can total up to several hundreds of euros a year. You can access the members-only benefits by registering and identifying to the services. Download the ILRY Mobile application that also functions as your electronic membership card and has all the Union services and benefits at your disposal.

Are you an entrepreneur?

In practice, all the benefits and services of the union are also available to entrepreneurs. You will receive employment law services, employment guides, insurance policies in accordance with the terms of the insurance, and other membership services and benefits.

Pensioner member

You can fill out the application as usual. You cannot choose Pensioner membership on the membership form, but after joining you must send a copy of the pension decision to the union and state that you want to apply for Pensioner membership.

Member organizations

You can become a member of the Union of Professional Engineers through a member organization. You can choose a suitable membership from a list of 30 regional or eight national associations. Your own member organization is your channel to influence the activities of the Union of professional engineers in Finland.

The amount of the membership fee

The amount of the membership fee depends on your member organisation and your potential unemployment fund membership. Regardless of the member organisation, the membership fees for the Union of Professional Engineers and the unemployment fund are approximately EUR 35 per month. After the tax deduction, the price is approximately EUR 20 per month.


The membership is also a safety net for the difficult parts of your career. When you need professional assistance, help is always near. Learn more about the Union of Professional Engineers’ extensive services, such as employment counselling, salary counselling, career services, employment guides and numerous valuable membership benefits and free training courses end events.

Salary counselling

The Union of Professional Engineers publishes salary statistics and salary recommendations based on the salary data of thousands of engineers and technical professionals. Salary counselling tools and personal salary counselling can help you establish a salary request for your new job.

Education and training

The Union of Professional Engineers offers diverse training courses nationwide and online. The trainers are the Union’s own career coaches, and experts in various fields come from coaching and training companies. The trainings cover job seeking and career as a whole, managerial work and project skills and quality, as well as tips for better negotiations and visibility on social media.


Annually, the Union of Professional Engineers organises up to 400 events across Finland! The versatile events are designed to support members to network, progress professionally and to bring joy to their free time. Events are generally free of charge, and you can often bring your family or colleague who is not a member with you. The Union of Professional Engineers organises events in cooperation with member organisations.

I Recommend!

Recommend the membership to a colleague or friend who is not yet a member of the Union of Professional Engineers. By making a recommendation, you are rewarded with a EUR 40 GoGift Super Gift Card and your friend gets a better workday! Read more about the I Recommend! programme

Join here!

If you have any further questions or problems, please contact customer service.