Research publications
The Economic Review

The Economic Review prepared by Paavo Hurri, economist of The Union of Professional Engineers in Finland, summarizes the economic trends and situation of Finland in the light of the latest data and forecasts. The review also presents the opinions of The Union of Professional Engineers in Finland on how to make the economy grow.
Read or download here.
Student Survey 2024

The Union of Professional Engineers collects annual data on the summer job situation and salaries of engineering students. Additionally, the survey explores students’ thoughts on their studies and issues related to student well-being. The survey was conducted in August-September 2024. Read or download the survey.
Survey for international experts in Finland 2024

The Union of Professional Engineers in Finland and TEK, Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland, conducted a survey for international experts in Finland in April 2024. Survey examined the situation and experiences of international experts about working and living in Finland, unemployment and experiences in finding a job in Finland and future prospects.
Read or download the survey.