The membership fee for the Association of IT Sector Employees

The membership fee for the Association of IT Sector Employees is a percentage fee. Fees for members of the Association of IT Sector Employees are due on the 15th of every month following the month of joining, due to the percentage basis of the membership fee.

For pensioners and students, the membership fee is charged as a lump sum.
The membership fee is 1.2% of gross income, excluding holiday/return allowance – The membership fee is calculated from the total salary (salary + possible benefits)

A member must always pay at least EUR35 per month (unless a discounted membership fee has been granted). The maximum fee is EUR38 per month. If you are not a member of the KOKO fund through the Union of Professional Engineers in Finland you can deduct EUR5.25 from the monthly amount.

The pensioner’s membership fee is EUR120 from the year of full retirement.

In addition to the annual reference numbers, there are also monthly reference numbers for the Association of IT Sector Employees because of the percentage basis.

Always use the reference number for payment of the membership fee, so that your contributions are correctly paid.

A paper invoice is the default payment method for the membership fee. By default, the membership fee invoice has the maximum membership fee.

The membership fee invoice will be submitted annually in December-January or by mail upon joining. The invoice can be paid as a lump sum or monthly. For pensioners and students, the membership fee is charged as a lump sum.


You can also order an e-invoice online to pay the membership fee. The reference number of the membership fee invoice is used as the order identifier.

After the order, the e-invoice will be delivered to the online bank on a monthly basis starting from the following month. If you want to pay the membership fee with a one-off e-invoice, check the amount of your membership fee from the invoice/calculation sent earlier in the year and change the amount of the e-invoice to reflect the outstanding membership fee for the rest of the year.

For the Association of IT Sector Employees, the e-invoice defaults to the maximum membership fee. If necessary, the amount can be changed to match your percentage-based membership fee, but the fee must be at least equal to the minimum fee.