Termination of membership

The Union of Professional Engineers in Finland is your professional career partner from studies to retirement. If you are wondering why you belong to the Union or are considering termination of your membership, please see the information on this page and assess whether ending your membership is the right solution for you. If you decide to terminate your membership, you can access the termination form at the end of this page.

Did you know that

  • You can be a member of the Union of Professional Engineers in Finland no matter what your life situation is. Post-graduate studies, family leave, or a change of field does not affect your membership.
  • The membership is not affected by the sector or the position you work in. You can be a member of the Union of Professional Engineers in Finland at different stages of your career, starting while studying and ending after retirement.
  • Everyone can decide for themselves which trade union they want to be part of, no matter which union your colleagues are members of.
  • Union experts serve all members and assist, for example, in the interpretation of the collective labor agreements even if the agreement is not negotiated by the Union of Professional Engineers in Finland or Akava’s negotiating organizations.

The share of the membership fee

The membership fee of the the Union of Professional Engineers in Finland (incl. The Unemployment Insurance Fund) is on average 35 euros per month (varies by membership association). The Union of Professional Engineers in Finland's membership fee is approximately 0.85% of the average earnings of members. Do you know what the membership fee is of the Union that you might be switching to?

There are many good reasons to belong to the Union of Professional Engineers in Finland

Collective lobbying that promotes the interests of engineers is also beneficial to you

  • Lobbying improves the employment and professional prestige of engineers and technical professionals while developing equality in working life
  • Labor market lobbying has an impact on the compensation and working conditions of members, both through legislation and collective agreements

Employment services support all situations you may encounter at the workplace

  • Employment contract reviews, collective agreement interpretations, disagreements with the employer
  • In the event of a conflict, our legal counsel will support you, and your case will be dealt with if the situation requires further action. Find out more about situations in which members have received assistance under the section “Legal counsel help”.

Career services tailored for technical experts will help you develop your career and skills

  • You will receive support from our career specialists if you wish to change your career or need help to achieve your career goals
  • You will succeed in salary negotiations with the help of expert tips
  • Develop your professional skills and expand your network by taking part in training and events

Comprehensive benefits for leisure

High-quality services

The Union of Professional Engineers in Finland wants to provide you with high-quality services in different life situations. Find out how the Union will help you in a few exemplary situations:

When you are about to graduate as an engineer
When you are about to become unemployed
When you want to develop your skills and network with other people in the field
Entrepreneurs can also be members of the union

Do you still want to think about it?

If you would like to discuss the future of your membership with an expert from the Union of Professional Engineers in Finland please leave your contact information and we will contact you as you wish.

How do I leave the union?

If you want to end your membership in the Union of Professional Engineers in Finland, fill out the termination form in Member pages. By filling out the termination form, the request will be handled faster and easier since we will have all the information needed to terminate your membership.

In addition to your membership card, you can find your membership number in the address field on the back of the Insinööri magazine and on the membership fee invoice.