Training for students
You can’t learn everything at school. That’s why the Union of Professional Engineers in Finland organizes webinars and training for its members on different topics, focusing on looking for a job, working life, and career development. As a student member, you can take part in the training and get the best possible building blocks for your career.
Training for student activists
The Union also provides student activists with different training courses throughout the year. The training courses are aimed at the Union of Engineering Students members who are interested in actively participating in the Union.
Local association-specific quotas have been allocated that is in proportion to the number of members in the association. The training is free of charge for members. The participant will be reimbursed for travel expenses and will be provided training materials, accommodation (no accommodation for local residents), and meals.
The Union of Professional Engineers in Finland’s training course on organizational skills (Finnish: Osaavaa Järjestötoimintaa) is the first step in playing an active role in an organization. The training offers good building blocks for those members who are starting to actively participate in the union, and also for those who have been actively participating for a while.
The training examines one of the key aspects of the organization’s activities, namely meeting techniques. Through exercises and theory, you will learn the twists and turns of meeting techniques, which will certainly be useful in the future, both in association activities and in working life. Also, you will gain a deeper understanding of the societal lobbying activities of the Union in general and from a student’s perspective. The course will also dive into tricks related to sales and marketing and how to use them in practice.
The training is organized twice a year in three different locations.
The Union of Professional Engineers in Finland’s training course on negotiating agreement (Finnish: Neuvotellen Sopimukseen) deepens the participant’s understanding of the organization’s negotiating and labor market activities. The training course includes negotiation exercises and comprehensive theory. It can help you build your skills as a negotiator, which is useful for both working and personal life. Also, you will receive information regarding the duties of union stewards and occupational health and safety officers.
The training is intended for engineering student activists who are close to graduating and is organized once a year.
The Union of Professional Engineers in Finland organizes a service marketing training for student activists, which deals with membership benefits, as well as the marketing and sale of services to engineering students. The training also gives you tips on how to succeed in marketing and sales and how to develop your presentation skills for different marketing situations. The skills learned during the training course are also useful outside the organization’s activities.
The training is intended for board members and liaison officers of local associations who have not previously participated in the training and who will act as union marketers next autumn. The training is held once per year in August.
At the beginning of the year, the Union of Professional Engineers and the Union of Engineering Students will bring together the chairpersons, secretaries, treasurers, and education policy leaders during a large training course, which trains each participant to perform their specific role. Additionally, the training course will go through general issues related to union activities for the local associations to have the best possible building blocks for the challenges of the year.
Training is intended for chairpersons of local associations, secretaries, treasurers, and education policy leaders, who have not previously attended job-specific training. The training is held once per year in January.
Participating in union activities doesn’t end after graduation, which is why the Union of Professional Engineers in Finland organizes training courses for the members who have graduated. The YH4 training course brings together graduates to relive their student memories, also, to stimulate their interest in becoming active members in the Union’s membership associations. The training also covers Union steward activities in companies and current issues related to the Union of Professional Engineers in Finland.
The training is intended for former student activists, who graduated about three years ago. The training is organized once per year.
If you are interested in the training, please contact the local association at your school. After registering, the participant will receive a confirmation letter giving more detailed instructions for those undergoing the training.