Information on student employment

When studying, many aspects of working life are new. For example, employment and salary levels in different sectors are issues that many students and recent graduates wonder about. The Union of Professional Engineers in Finland conducts two annual surveys of the situation for students and recent graduates. The results will help you see what working looks like for engineering students and recent graduates.

Annual survey of student employment 2024

The Union of Professional Engineers in Finland and the Union of Engineering Students conduct an annual survey of student employment. As its name suggests, it explores students’ access to summer jobs, the quality of work, and the level of pay. The survey is only in Finnish.
Read or download survey.

Recent graduate placement study

Every spring, the Union of Professional Engineers in Finland surveys the employment of recent graduates. The study examines issues related to the employment of recent graduates, job quality, employment conditions, and salary levels. The survey also includes a section on engineering work and questions on how transferable the skills gained through engineering education were to working life. The survey is only in Finnish.
Read or download survey.