Falling ill
Short-term sickness
Falling ill is a common event at workplaces. Employees must follow their employer’s instructions on how to inform the employer about a sickness and when to visit a doctor. Employees are entitled to pay for a certain period of sick leave, pursuant to the law or a collective agreement.
Learn more about the right to sick pay
Long-term sickness or an impairment of capacity for work
An accident or long-term sickness may result in long periods of incapacity for work. Once the employer’s obligation to pay salary ends, employees are entitled to sickness allowance paid by the Social Insurance Institution (Kela) for a maximum of 300 working days, or approximately a year.
If it seems that the employee is not able to return to their job or that the incapacity for work will be extended, the employee pension institution must be contacted to investigate the opportunities for rehabilitation. If certain conditions are met, an employee may be eligible for a fixed-term pension (rehabilitation support), which allows them to rehabilitate or study for a new occupation, provided that they are no longer capable of carrying out their former job.