Useful to know

General issues of working life have been comprehensively covered on The Union of Professional Engineers in Finland’s website.

Employment counselling website

There are various working life guides in Finnish, English and Swedish on the website.

Guides for working life

The list below contains useful and practical websites with guidelines for different situations in working life.

You can find information on matters concerning unemployment benefit
KOKO fund website

For more information and the tax authorities’ instructions on matters related to taxation in working life, visit the website
Read more about employee benefits on this page
Read more about tax-free travel expenses on this page

For more information about occupational health and safety you can visit the website of the Occupational Safety and health Administration

You can find information on the daily allowances paid for different types of family leave
On Kela’s website

The occupational health and safety representative can find additional information on data protection related questions on the website

More information about pensions can be found
at the website of the Finnish Centre for Pensions

Further information on non-discrimination matters (e.g. non-discrimination plan) can be found
at the website of the Office of the Non-Discrimination Ombudsman

More information on equality (e.g. equality plan) is available
On the website of the Ombudsman for Equality

There are several regulations concerning working life. The most important ones are listed below on the Finlex website. (Web pages available only in Finnish.)
Employment Contracts Act: Employment Contracts Act 55/2001
Annual Holidays Act Annual Holidays Act 162/2005
Working Hours Act: Working Hours Act 872/2019
Act on Co-operation: Act on Co-operation 1333/2021
Occupational Safety and Health Act: Occupational Safety and Health Act 738/2002